Web site editor :

“Pole Nautique Gruissan” edit this web site. it head office is located at 50 avenue de la Jetée, 11430 Gruissan.

Phone number : +33 4 68 49 33 33.

The editorial publisher is Mrs Laetitia Guarrigues.

Conditions : 


SAS with capital of Euro 10 000 000
RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing 424 761 419 00045
Code APE 6202A
N° TVA : FR 22 424 761 419
Head Office : 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.

Web site composition :

This web site is composed by 3 different part.

Part one, summary of the web site www.polenautique-gruissan.com, called homepage.

Part two, commercial promotion of the Gruissan’s Nautical center and the activities.

Part three, “News”, a blog where you can found all the press article talking about the Gruissan’s Nautical center.